The Bug Company Mealworms, 500 ct.

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Warning: Supplement live food with pellets & veggies to provide essential vitamins and nutrients.
Disclaimer: All feeders should be fed a high-quality diet (i.e., gut-loading) prior to feeding to maximize nutritional content to pet.
Spikes and Houles, Your Local Feed, Seed & Pet Supply
Spikes & Houles is a destination for pet owners, farmers, and homeowners to stock up on feed, seed, garden supplies, fresh plants, and much more. Our stores are staples of locally-owned shopping options in each of the communities they serve and give customers a choice between top national brands as well as locally-made feed and seed sourced from local partners and directly from our Historic Mill in Delano, MN.
Warning: Supplement live food with pellets & veggies to provide essential vitamins and nutrients.
Disclaimer: All feeders should be fed a high-quality diet (i.e., gut-loading) prior to feeding to maximize nutritional content to pet.