Chicken Dual Purpose, Chantecler Partridge (min order 15)
Out of stock
Sold out for the season, check back in the Spring!- SKU
- PartridgeChantecler-G
Minimum Pre-Order Quantity: 15 Chicken chicks (mix match any Chicken breeds, excluding Bantams)
For orders less than the species' minimums, please stop by our Loretto, Elk River, Stillwater, Forest Lake or Maple Plain stores (see all locations HERE). Stores will have live chicks in store starting in March. In store chick breeds will rotate throughout the season.
Check Out the Chicks!
Raising chickens is a rewarding and entertaining experience for people of all ages! At Spikes & Houles, we are committed to providing a high standard of care for chicks while in our possession, and providing you with the best direction and products to help your chicks thrive once they reach their new homes.
Partridge Chantecler males have brilliant rich red plumage on the neck and saddle with black tails and breasts while the females are a rich mahogany brown with each feather having intricate black markings known as “penciling”. Buff Chanteclers are a beautiful golden buff color, similar to the coloring of the Buff Orpington. The Chantecler is a cold-hardy, Dual-Purpose breed that was originally developed in Canada in the early 1900s. The first Chanteclers were created by crossing Wyandottes, Cochins, Cornish, and Leghorns. The goal was to create a hardy, Dual-Purpose bird that could withstand the harsh Canadian winters, lay a good number of eggs, and produce a good carcass for the table. Chanteclers feature small cushion combs along with small, practically non-existent, wattles and dense feathering. All these traits make them very well suited to cold northern climates.
Purpose: Dual-Purpose
Production: 200 Medium Brown Eggs/Year
Temperament: Docile, Calm, Gentle
Mature Weight: 6-7 lbs.
Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy
Broodiness: Often
Comb Type: Small Cushion Comb
More Information
Mature Weight Male | 6-7 lbs |
Mature Weight Female | 6-7 lbs |
Breed Type | Chick - Standard Layers |
Egg Color(s) | Brown |
Eggs Per Year (Approx.) | 150-200 |
Egg Size | Medium |