Tips & Tricks to Keep Chickens Happy & Healthy in Winter!

January 20, 2023
Tips & Tricks to Keep Chickens Happy & Healthy in Winter!

Here are some helpful tips from our chicken experts at Spikes & Houles to keep your chickens happy & healthy in Winter!

1. Protein

  • Chickens are omnivores. Protein is needed to keep chickens warm & maintain their energy for egg making and laying.
  • Feather eating is a common sign of your flock needing more protein.
  • Some ways to give your chickens extra protein can be through high protein treats or upping protein content in their food. For example, if you currently feed your flock our EJ Houle's 15% Crumble, you can upgrade to our EJ Houle's 20% Pellet.

2. Greens & Grain

  • If you have free-rangers, this is a major tip for you!
  • Arugula, cabbage & lettuce are some easy greens to feed your chickens to make sure they are getting nutrients they need.
  • For grains, oats & corn are your best friends for helping keep your chickens warm.
  • These are best fed before bed to keep their bodies warm during their nightly roost.

3. Must have supplements & health aids.

  •  VetRx: Respiratory issues are common for chickens during cold & wet seasons. A simple way to fix an infection is with this handy aid.
  • Hen Healer: A balm made to provide comfort to rawly pecked and injured chickens. It has a blue tint and scent that keeps others from pecking them.
  • Vetericyn: This is a frostbite healer & preventer. It also is an anti-bacterial spray that can be used on deep open wounds along with tiny scrapes.
  • Adding electrolytes to your flock's diet can provide overall sickness prevention and well-being.

For more tips or questions, contact one of your Spike's & Houle's chicken experts- we are here
to help!