If you’re thinking of starting your own backyard flock, it can be hard to resist the cute little chirps coming from the aisle of your local Spikes & Houles store.
DISCLAIMER: Spikes & Houles is licensed to only sell live birds at their 5 convenient locations in Minnesota. We do not deliver chicks & they cannot be shipped to your house. Any pre-orders, phone orders & online orders are Curbside pickup only – please select the closest Spikes & Houles location to you to pick up the chicks from.
At Spikes & Houles we are committed to providing a high standard of care for the chicks while in our possession. However, we do not have control once they leave our store. Therefore, we cannot be held liable for the health of the chicks once they leave the store. Please contact your local store for any questions.
Before Ordering:
One of the first things that you should do when getting chicks is to check your local laws and ordinances. Some cities and suburban areas will not allow livestock but do have exemptions for small flocks of chickens. You also want to check your noise ordinance. Most cities, towns etc., will have a limit of how many birds are allowed and many will not allow roosters.
If you decide to purchase new chicks this year, it is very important to choose the right type of chicks for your goals. There are a lot of options available. Most people getting new chicks are looking for future laying hens, but Spring is also a very popular time to raise meat birds. Make sure you read the descriptions and signs when choosing your chicks.
Choosing your breed info HERE.
Don’t move your chicks out of the brooder box too early. The ideal temperature for baby chicks at each stage is as follows:
First week: 95-100°F (35-38°C)
Second week: 90°F (32°C)
Third week: 85°F (29°C)
Subsequent weeks: Gradually decrease by 5°F (2°C) per week
Make sure you have both the brooder box & the coop set up before picking up your chicks! Tips for your coop HERE.
Minimums per Order:
You can mix and match breeds within the species, but you cannot combine species to meet the minimums. For instance, you cannot get 5 ducks and 10 chickens to meet minimums.
Species Minimums
- Chickens (15) choice of pullets, cockerels or straight run
- Ducks (15) Straight run only
- Turkeys (10) Straight run only
- Geese (8) Straight run only
- Guinea Fowl (20) Straight run only
- Bantams (20) Straight run only
- Pheasants (50) Straight run only
Straight run means that they will not sex the birds.
If you are looking for egg layers make sure you choose from the groups marked “pullets” or “females.” If you see the terms “mixed sex” or “straight run,” those are going to be groups with both males and females. If you’re interested in egg production, you want females in your flock! You do not need a rooster for your hens to lay eggs.
Delivery Dates & Hatchery Guidelines
Due to the demand and availability, all orders must be confirmed with the hatchery and the birds will all be sent from them to our Spikes & Houles stores at the first available date for all birds. Ex. If you order 5 different breeds of birds, the hatchery will not send them to us until all 5 breeds are in stock, at the same age, at the same time. After your order has been placed, expect a call from a Spikes & Houles employee with an estimated pick-up date & further information. Birds must be picked up the same day they are delivered to the store.
Bringing your chicks home:
· Make sure to keep the bedding clean by adding fresh bedding every few days. Cleanliness in the brooder will go a long way to keeping your birds healthy.
· Have a plan for what to do if a chick is getting picked on. The pecking order is real and begins to get established immediately. We recommend keeping an extra heat lamp and feeder/waterer so you can make a small brooder for a chick that needs to be separated. A large plastic storage container works well.
· As the birds grow and test out their wings, you may need to add a mesh cover to your brooder to keep them from flying out. This usually happens at about three weeks.
More info for taking care of your chicks after pickup HERE.
Tips for First Time Chick Owners:
- Turn on the heat source in the brooder ahead of time (ideally the morning your chicks are scheduled to arrive & be picked up).
- When picking up chicks from Spikes & Houles, make sure your vehicle is warm enough.
- Never give baby chicks cold water, make sure water is room temperature. They should also be getting electrolytes and probiotics in their water.
- Make sure your chicks know where to find water first, then food, then show them where they can find their heat source.
- Make sure all your chicks are eating, drinking and pooping within the first few hours of bringing them home.
- Your chicks will eat a special starter feed that’s higher in protein to help them grow. Chick feed is commonly medicated to combat common illnesses. We stock medicated & non-medicated feed at Spikes & Houles.
Tips for the Minnesota Winter:
Prepare for the Minnesota Weather and Prep for the Weather! Taking care of your chickens during the winter months should not be stressful. Learn about nutrition, keeping your flock warm and how to keep your ladies producing in the winter by clicking HERE.
Picking up Chicks IN-STORE:
In store we would strongly recommend that since poultry are flock birds, that customers must buy at least 3-4 birds together to help alleviate stress of the birds. We have a rotating selection of what breeds may be available each week that we will announce as we get closer to the beginning of chick season. You can always call the store with any questions or concerns & we will do our best to help!