Choosing a Backyard Chicken Breed

January 3, 2020
Choosing a Backyard Chicken Breed

The breed you choose should have a reputation for being docile, friendly and tame. Fortunately there are many breeds that fit this description. The most popular breeds for backyards include the Buff Wyandottes, Black Australorpe, Silver Laced Orpington, Americana and Cochins. Roosters like to crow but hens are usually quieter so it is best to choose hens only to avoid noise complaints.

Chickens love to scratch & dig in the dirt so are best kept in a fenced area to avoid having them scatter mulch everywhere as they look for worms & insects. Chickens need about 8’-10’ per bird outside & 2’-3’ inside the coop. For the urban backyard this means you would probably want 1-3 max.

Chickens seek shelter at night so will need a coop to roost in. All their food should be picked up at night so not to attract mice or raccoons or possums. The chickens will not eat at night so it does not need to be left out for them. There are custom made pre-built coops or you can convert a former doghouse or play house into a coop. Coops will be discussed in another article as there are many factors to consider.
