If you’re thinking of starting your own backyard flock, it can be hard to resist the cute little chirps coming from the aisle of your local Spikes & Houles store. At Spikes & Houles we are committed to providing a high standard of care for the chicks while in our possession. You can always call the store with any questions or concerns & we will do our best to help!
Learning Center
Spikes & Houles' Guide to Ordering Chicks
General Feeding Guidelines for Dogs
Feeding your dog does not have to be mysterious. By recognizing a few key concepts and attributes of dogs we can create a very reasonable feeding plan for them. Dogs are creatures of habit, so a regular feeding schedule helps with house training puppies and adult rescue dogs who have not been taught household manners.
General Feeding Guidelines for Horses
Making sure your horse is healthy can be a daunting topic. Spikes and Houles experts are prepared to help you make sure your horse is receiving adequate nutrition & settling into a solid routine.
Food for the Little Guys
Guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, chinchillas, and more... at Spikes and Houles we have food for everybody. These “pocket pets” are ideal for people who live in smaller homes, don’t have time for a more active animal or just like a lower maintenance pet. But while they are lower maintenance – it’s still important to ensure they’re getting adequate nutrition.
Three Methods of Feeding Cats
Supplementing Hay & Hay Shortages
Spikes & Houles can provide strategies to help supplement your hay during shortages. When it comes to hay, a pound is a pound regardless of the source. You can feed your horse hay in the form of hay cubes, hay pellets, or chopped hay.
Deterring Rabbits
The bane of the botanical minded! They may be cute but they are destructive. Rabbits will eat your produce and nibble on your new shrubs before you get a chance to enjoy them. Read on for tips to deter them!
Winter Chicken Care
Taking care of your chickens during the winter months should not be stressful.
Meadow Ridge Farms Bird Seed Selection Guide
Your one stop guide to selecting the right bird seed from Meadow Ridge Farms!
Hunting Deer & Game Birds
Having a diverse range of land will attract all animals. In fact, the more birds, the more deer. Learn about raising game birds, attracting and growing deer, and training gun & hunting dogs. Make the most out of hunting season with Spikes & Houles!
Thinking of Switching Brands of Dog or Cat Food?
All Things Livestock
Spikes and Houles is proud to provide everything you need to keep your livestock healthy, happy and fed. Our experts are always available to answer questions, give advice and help you come up with the best solutions to keep your farm running smooth and successfully.
Cat Nip
Nepeta Cataria is the scientific name to this magic herb. It is closely related to basil and oregano. Growing pots of catnip and wheat, oat or barley grass can help keep your cat from chewing on your houseplants. It is very easy to grow, non addictive and safe to eat. Ask our experts for help in starting your own cat garden.
Mowing Tips & Tricks
Mowing your lawn sounds simple but the experts at Spikes have some tips and tricks to ensure a healthy lawn for the long haul.
Attracting Hummingbirds
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) are the most widely ranging of the world's 338 species of hummingbirds, all of which nest ONLY in the Western Hemisphere. Spring migration patterns bring them to the Twin Cities area on or around May 1st and throughout the northern part of the state by May 10th.